Circles, Trips around the sun!
So much has happened since our last post. We were in Adelaide, but now we are back home in Coffin Bay. It was time to come home, set some roots, basically remember how to breathe.
Even though we had returned home, I had to travel to Roxby Downs for work, 10 days on 4 days off. So, our music had not completely stopped but receded. Which hasn't been a bad thing, we have pretty much been living out of a suitcase for the last three years. Working, traveling, gigging, moving, promoting, chasing the dream. It has been an amazing experience but also it has been quite taxing. Through all this, life was throwing us it's own challenges as well. We are survivors though, we have taken each challenge as a lesson and continue to make the most out of the situations we have been in. So, getting back to having this time out from music, it's been a blessing. The spark of wanting to learn, the joy of just playing music for music's sake, has returned.
The desire to write and be creative is beginning to smoulder, I feel some momentum gathering.
I am in the process of setting up our music room again, for recording and writing, which is our creative space. Something we haven't had for over a year now with all our moves and work commitments.
Michele and I celebrated our 0's birthdays just recently. I can't say for sure but, I feel as if I am for the very first time finding my own tempo and rhythm with my life. It's time to be what we are human beings, so just being, being in the moment, being who I am, not worried about perceptions and assumptions, being still, being just being.
Anyways, in the background of all these transitions, our music is still reaching further out into the world. "Wish I Could" has surpassed 60,000 streams on Spotify. We are building a fan base through several different sites. Our songs are still getting airplay through various community radio stations. All of these things we are truly grateful for.
Hopefully these will all continue, grow and connect for another trip around the sun.
I will finish up with this last thought. Time is precious, but we so easily give it away. Give every moment it's true value by being true to you and your life will truly become priceless🙏