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Day 2, Soul Music At The End Of The Road...

We were up early, ready again to hit the open road. The day started off with me having a bit of a moment. I went to have a shower to wash my hair and to wake myself up properly. Not having my glasses on, I reached to grab the little bottle of shampoo, first grab produced the conditioner, I only knew this because I could see the word or what resembled a word was too long to be shampoo. So, second attempt, grabbed the next bottle, popped the top and proceeded to wash my hair. The shampoo didn't seem to lather up very well, but I just simply thought it must have been cheap shampoo. 

Michele went to the shower after me and from the bathroom she produced the words "Did you wash your hair with body lotion?"

Explained a lot about the lack of lathering one usually gets when washing your hair.

On the road, no breakfast, no coffee, we were heading to Gilgandra before we were to stop, which was about 3 hours away..... We were both starting to get very hangry by the time we arrived. 

The rest of the drive into Tamworth was pretty uneventful, but we passed some beautiful scenery. 

We went straight to the caravan park, got our keys, unloaded the cars, got changed......then off on the bus into town. We went to "Diggers" first, grabbed a beer and sat outside . Will Day was playing there with his band, it was good to finally be able to kick back and watch other musos perform. It was then onto another bus out to West Leagues Club. 

We had some tea, caught some more music, met some new people. Whilst there we were flicking through a festival guide. I noticed a Soul singer by the name of Lisa Hunt was due to play in the next room at 8:30. Michele and I quickly decided we wanted to see her show,  so we grabbed a couple of tickets and in we went..... yep, just what we needed a bit of music for the soul...nothing like a bit of Motown and Funk to get ya movin.....

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