Day 5, Small Moments Are More Than You Think...
This journey, adventure, experience or whatever name you wish to apply to it, has been one of growth for Michele and I. As we are musos we don't get a lot of opportunity to catch fellow musicians playing live. Especially over the last 3 and a bit years, as we have been playing gigs of our own. It's also been a lesson about keeping in mind the small things in life. At the time we tend to not think much of them, but they are sometimes the most important things, things that really matter.
Today we made our way back into town.... truth be told I had a craving for Pancakes, that's what I wanted for breakfast. So the mission begun, walking the streets to find Pancakes. Eventually we found them, see the small things matter. After breakfast, we walked up and down checking out the buskers. We came across a guy who was a friend of a friend of Michele's. His name was Alex. Alex invited or should I say strongly encouraged Michele up to sing a song. So, reluctantly Michele got up and belted out a rendition of "Bobby McGee". She can now tick that off the list, has too busked on the streets of Tamworth during the Country Music Festival.
During the walk we stumbled upon a 14 year old busker by the name of Todd. This guy has it nailed, great feel, song choice, presence and a quirky voice that kept drawing you in to listen more and more. Seeing him brought back memories of how music used to make me feel, the passion and excitement. I am reminded just in writing this that my passion and excitement is still there, I've just forgotten to be aware of it. I plan on keeping my attention more focused on it from now on. Thank you Todd for that reminder.
We made our way back to the Services Club for a beer and to hear Michael Bryers play a couple of sets. This guy knows how to write great songs, I can't recommend checking his music out enough. During his set he broke a string. While he was off stage restringing his guitar, his lead guitar player stepped up to the mic and blew us all away with his rendition of Steve Ray Vaughan's Pride & Joy. As a fellow guitarist, I have nothing but admiration for this guy, he totally owned it. Michael's band are an awesome bunch of musos. Watching them and listening to Michael's lyrics just makes me want to write and get out there and play our songs. Inspiration plus.....Thank you Michael and the band for helping to reignite the fire.
After that we stuck around to listen to another artist by the name of "Luwella". This lady knows how to perform and how to engage a crowd. She had so much energy, wit and a great voice. Thank you Luwella and the band for reminding us of the fun and joy music brings.
I guess, to sum it up, today has been a lesson, a reminder about being present in ones own life. I think that's what this trip has been all about. My eyes have been opened once more, even wider than before. It is the small things that make our lives amazing....Thank you Tamworth for that reminder!