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Christmas......unwrapping the gift of love!

Well, it's Christmas Day and we've just enjoyed a beautiful meal that resulted in a food coma, which led to the annual afternoon nap. 

This year, I am in Adelaide, spending Christmas with Michele's family. It's different for me, as I have spent virtually every other Christmas at home with my family. So, one would expect to feel lonely and a bit disconnected. Although, I must admit I did wake this morning with that thought in mind. But, that thought was soon vanquished by the very first text, a simple photo of my boy (My Rottweiler Dog) Ziggy playing with a tennis ball, his gift for Christmas. See, our pets are considered apart of our family and are treated as such. The moment I opened that message, my heart sang for I was no longer 600kms away, I was transported home, I was right there. 

Then came the most precious gift, it was a hand crafted card, made with so much love from my Mum. Upon opening I thought Mums been busy doing her crafty thing again. On the card she had an image of Santa carrying a backpack, but the backpack was like a pop up book. Inside, was a simple folded up crumbled piece of paper. 

Whilst unfolding paper, some money fell to the floor. I appreciated the money, but the priceless gift was yet to come. After the paper was completely unfolded it revealed its treasure, words. Not just any words, these were heartfelt, thoughtful, beautiful. Words that tugged at my heartstrings, words that brought tears of gratitude, words of encouragement, words of unconditional love, they were words from my Mum. 

Again I was transported home, back to the loving arms of my parents. How could I ever feel or think that I was alone. They are always with me, in my heart and my thoughts.

Anyways, it made me realise how truly fortunate and wealthy I am. Not wealthy in financial terms but I am rich with love and that is the only real currency that matters. 

There are others that are less fortunate, for whatever reason. But, I am giving them love as well, for all living beings are in my thoughts as I write this. So, give others some of your currency, for it doesn't ever decrease in value it only grows......

It's Christmas.......unwrap the gift of love.

Merry Christmas Everyone,


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