Who listens to the radio... (that's what I'd like to know)
Well, that was different from the first one... only because the first one was sitting on a pallet of pavers over the road from the Port Neill Hotel (South Australia) to get the best reception. We were being interviewed by Peter Guest from Upper Goulburn Community Radio http://www.lakeeildon.com/ugfm/ for our very first interview. Was great to have to think on your feet and not let out any expletives. I was tasked to stay on the phone after the interview but alas, my excitement led me to hit the 'ole red button on the iPhone.
The second interview (this afternoon) was a little more comfortable, in the lounge room in Coffin Bay on speaker phone so Ken would be able to hear and participate this time. He wasn't keen on talking but after being asked a few questions, held his ground well. Miss M from Phoenix FM Phoenix FM 106.7 (https://www.phoenixfm.org.au) was our interviewer and advised us that she was going to enter our discussion for a chance to win a community radio award - Good Luck with that Miss M, it was a pleasure for us to have been so well looked after.
Maybe me being such a natural chatterbox made it a little easier, but mindful of the amount and content of the chatter was paramount in my thoughts. (I can hear some of you saying. "Michele, talk sensible, in small sentences, without too much detail - HUH, you're funny...".
So many, many things have happened over the last few weeks, our EP "Sketches 2 Seed" has finally been created, produced, mastered, cut, copied, pasted, printed, folded, weighted, and lovingly placed in baby crates and put into the public domain at various places locally, and is also available to post for a small fee. Find us on facebook, send us an email, search iTunes, there are more ways than one to get a hold of our debut EP. Thanks for all your support everyone. Love ya xxx